Monday, February 12, 2018

Attorney General Sessions, a Scalawag?

Although I try to avoid modern politics on this blog, the comments by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a proud Alabamian who has waxed fondly about the Ku Klux Klan, opposed civil rights legislation, and someone who has long since favored and promoted a white supremacist view of American history, is certainly worthy of being included here. Today, the Attorney General spoke as the keynote speaker before the Abraham Lincoln Foundation of the Union League of Philadelphia on the 16th president's 209th birthday and proceeded to finally dismiss the Lost Cause interpretation of the Civil War that he and so many Southerners have been raised to believe.    

"The thing was brewing from the beginning of the Republic," Sessions said. "Though many Southerners try to say otherwise--and I love my people--slavery was the cause of the war. It was not states' rights or tariffs or agrarian versus industrial economies. Those issues were all solvable and would have been solved. The cloud, the stain of human bondage--the buying and selling of human beings--was the unsolvable problem and was omnipresent from the beginning of the country. And the failure, the refusal of the South to come to grips with it, really to actually change this immoral system of enslavement led to the explosion," Sessions said. "As to slavery, it had to end. The nation could stand the disgrace no longer."

Although I know my neo-Confederate friends and I would like to see video proof of these comments, for now, I can only assume that either Sessions has at long last finally accepted real facts or else he's lost his bonkers and will be shortly on his way out of the administration once the SCV raises hell about this Scalawag!  

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