Saturday, August 19, 2017

Prevent Agents of Hate & Division from Hijacking Civil War Monuments

I second the call of Tennessee's Sons of the Confederacy members (such as the Elm Springs camp in Middle Tennessee & Raymond Parker with the local Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp 87), who condemn the racist, bigots of the KKK, neo-Nazis, and other white supremacist & militia groups. According to their statements, SCV members are prohibited from associating with these groups who cling to an ideology of hate and thus adhere to the politics of white resentment. Therefore, I call on the SCV to protect the monuments from these agents of hate and division in our nation. We may not agree on the historical significance of the specific Lost Cause monuments in public spaces, but I'm sure we can agree that these thugs should not be permitted to hijack these monuments to further their political agenda of hate & division.
SCV, Elm Springs, TN Press Release (Aug. 14, 2017)

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